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来源:学大教育     时间:2015-05-30 14:19:29





She is a high school teacher.Her name is Li Fang.她是一位中学教师,名叫李芳。

The Whites wanted their daughter to be a musician.怀特夫妇想要他们的女儿成为音乐家。


He is captain of the team.他是球队队长。

Zhang Fei,monitor of their class,is good at English.张飞是他们的班长,英语很棒。

2.表示“同一”,相当于the same。即: be + of + a/an+n= be + of + the same+n 如:

The two boys are of an age.那两个男孩同岁。

Cotton of a kind was stored together in a house.同类的棉花储藏在一座房子里。


We have three meals a day.我们每天吃三顿饭。

They met each other once a month.他们每月会面一次。

The car moved 100 miles an hour.这辆小汽车以每小时100英里的速度行驶。

The envelopes are one yuan a dozen.信封一打是一元钱。

Amily goes to see her grandmother twice a week.爱米莉每周去看奶奶两次。


have a cold/ rest/ quarrel/awim/fever/toothache/dance/try/look/

have a word with sb.同某人谈话 have a try 试一下have a good time 玩得高兴 have a look 看一看;have a headache 头痛 ; have a good sleep 好好睡一觉

go for a walk 散步take a bath 洗澡 tell a lie 撒谎wait a moment 等一会

with a light heart 愉快地with a smile 微笑着with an effort 努力地

as a result 因此 once in a while 偶尔for a moment=for a while 一会儿

make a face 做鬼脸in a hurry 匆忙地do sb. a favour 帮某人忙

take an active part in 积极参加 at a time 每次as a whole 作为整体all of a sudden 突然 once upon a time 从前in a word 总之



The birds are flying to the north.这些鸟向北方飞去。

He stood at the back of the door.他站在门背后。


如:She can play the piano.她会弹钢琴。

He plays the violin very well.他小提琴拉得很好。

He played the guitar for the children.他给孩子们弹了吉他。


例:He bought a piano last month.他上个月买了一架钢琴。

She taught piano in the school.她在学校里教钢琴。

3.用在表示计算单位的名词前,即:by + the +n 含有“每,每一”的意思如:

Jim is paid by the hour.吉姆的工资按小时付。

Eggs are sold by the kilogram.鸡蛋按千克出售。

4. 动词(hit,pull,pat,strike,catch,hold,take,lead)+sb.+介词(in,on,by,across)+身体部位或衣着

She touched him on the shoulder.她碰了碰他的肩。

He took the girl by the hand.他拉着小女孩的手。

He hit her on the nose.他打了她的鼻子。

The stone struck the man in the eye.石头击中了那人的眼睛。

5.用在表示自然现象的名词前。如:the rain 雨,the wind 风,the fog 雾,the snow 雪,the air 空气,the storm 风暴,the snowstorm 暴风雪

Don’t stand in the rain.不要站在雨中。

The wind blew down the trees.风把树刮倒了。

The rain has cleaned the air.下雨净飞了空气。


for the most part 大多数by the way 顺便说一下;all the time 始终

in the middle of 在中间;go to the concert/cinema/theater 去听音乐会/去看电影/去看戏

at the moment当时,此刻;all the year round 一年到头;

on the one hand 一方面;on the other hand 另一方面

in the afternoon/morning/night/evening;in the year 2008 在2008年

all the same 依然;on the whole 总之 ;at the same time 同时;the other day 在不久前某

at the bottom of 在……底部;in the end 终于;in the daytime 白天


at dawn 在黎明at night 在晚上at noon 在正午 at dusk 在黄昏


1. 名词前有指示代词,物主代词,不定代词或名词所有格修饰,不用冠词.

I like this picture better. Is that your book

Take their chairs away! I do not have any money on me.

As time went on, Einstein's theory proved to be correct.

2.turn用作系动词(变成)后的单数名词作表语时用零冠词,与之相反的结构是become +a+n。

His brother has turned writer.

Did he become a scientist?


The warmth of the sweater will of course be determined by the sort of wool used.



如:Hero as he is,he has some shortcomings. 尽管他是一位英雄,但是他也有缺点。


arm in arm(手挽手); hand in hand(手牵手); side by side(肩对肩); day and day(日日夜夜); young and old(老老少少); from door to door(挨门挨户); from beginning to end(从头到尾); from morning till night(从早到晚)等。


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